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1967 - 1972 Dealer Promotional Window Sheet


1967 - 1972 Chevrolet Dealer Promotional Window Sheet/Sticker

$79.00 - includes shipping

OR get the Full Truck Documentation Bundle for $249.00 includes shipping

There are 2 styles of window sticker - Factory and Dealer. The factory is a larger style with GM suggested prices and was shipped with each truck as required by law. The dealer is a narrower style with whatever prices the dealer wanted to place on the truck and each option.

This dealer sticker would list all of the options that show on the truck SPID and would also list any dealer added options such as bumper guards, CB radio, 8 track player, fire extinguisher, etc. It was not uncommon for the dealer to list the option prices on these sheets higher than the GM suggested price listed on the factory window stickers.

The labels shown here are ones that would be filled out by a GM (Chevrolet/GMC) Dealer. These were ordered from the Dealer Accessory Catalog by the Dealer from GM directly. Each year from 1967 - 1972 had its own style of dealer window sheet based on Chevrolet promotional advertising used that year.

This is a great item to have in addition to your SPID and looks great hung in your truck window alongside a factory window sheet at truck shows. This window sheet is printed on a durable acid-free paper. It can be laminated or kept original.

Typically, double sided tape was attached to the top and bottom of all factory window stickers. If you want this tape attached to your window sticker - please let me know. 

If you have any questions about creating one of these for your truck - please send me a message in the form at the bottom of this page.

1967 and 1970 year dealer promotional sheets will be available soon.



Pricing – (all orders receive two (2) Identical Dealer Window Labels)

  • $79.00 -  for two (2) Dealer Window Labels - includes shipping via USPS priority

  • Or order the Full Truck Documentation Bundle for $299.00 -- this includes (2) Truck SPIDS, (2) GM Factory Window Stickers, (2) Dealer Window Sheets, and (2) Truck Shipper Sheets and (2) Dealer Bill of Sale.

All payment taken through PayPal - Venmo or mailed Check. All prices are in USD

If you are interested in ordering this label or would like more information - please submit your information and questions in the form below and I will contact you ASAP.